Title: Silence

Author: Diamond

Rating/Warning: G

Summary: This was written late one night while I was in a contemplative mood.

Archive/Feedback: Contact me at diamond9697@hotmail.com





Countless emotions unvoiced.

Numerous thoughts unspoken.

Why don't they understand?

How can they not see?

Are they hypocrites?

Am I?

Have I tried to make myself a Martyr?

Why is there a rock in my chest that gets heavier with each passing day?

How can I look forward to seeing them, yet dread it at the same time?

How can it hurt so much to do what it takes to make them happy?

To give them the things that they want?

When is it my turn?

When do I get to have what I want?

When do I get to be happy?

Am I being selfish?

Why can I see what they need but they can't see what I need?

Do I even know what I need?


Can I go on this way?

Do I even want to go on this way?

Countless emotions unvoiced.

Numerous thoughts unspoken.
