Author: Analise

Rating: G

Characters: Tycho

Summary: Dia gets a special birthday surprise from Ili and Tycho.

Disclaimer: Star Wars is the property of George Lucas and LFL. No profits were made and no disrespect is intended with this fic.



"Do I have to?" ask the plaintive male voice.

"Yes." replied a very firm Ili-sounding voice.

"But...But...but...can't I just _say_ it without.... all this?"

"Nope, go on, she's not getting any younger." the Ili sounding voice
was starting to sound tired of the whiny male one.


"No buts! Go! The sooner you get it done, the sooner I'll let you get
back to what you were doing."

" *sigh* "

Ili shook her head at Tycho's reluctance and pointed unswervingly at
the door. "Go...and be thankful I didn't make you do anything
_worse_." She put on her plotting face, which she knew had put fear in
the heart of Wedge even. Tycho blanched and nodded, replying somewhat
meekly, "Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going." With that, the blonde
pilot shuffled out of the room.

Ili gritted her teeth, "Don't shuffle, _glide_! At least _pretend_
you're happy or I'll make you kiss Corran! With _tongues_ even!"

Tycho yelped softly and forced himself to _glide_, smiling for all he
was worth as he went into the other room.


A few moments later, Diamond was greeted with the shock of her life
as a very smiling, very gliding, very embarrassed Tycho Celchu entered
the room and stood in front of her, posing for a moment for the full
effect to sink in. He was dressed in pink ballet shoes, pink tights,
a pink tutu and leotard, was carrying a pink wand with a star on the
end and streamers trailing from it, had glitter sprinkled liberally
all over him, and had pink butterfly wings strapped to his back --
not to mention the fantastic pink blush all over his body. Didn't
know a guy could blush like that. Taking a deep breath, he began to
dance around the room very sugar plum fairy like and sang just for

"Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Dia!
Happy Birthday to y-.... hey, come back here with that camera!"

With that, Tycho went running like a bat out of hell after Hobbie who
was laughing his head off and running for his life, carrying the
camera tightly clutched in his hands that held the pictures he'd just
snapped of Tycho dancing around in that get-up.

//Bet I could sell these for a fortune on Ebay// thinks Hobbie as he
runs even faster from Fairy!Tycho.